Note: Unless otherwise stated, the algorithms and the corresponding screenshots are adopted from Robert and Casella (2005).
Box-Muller Algorithm
functionboxmuller() x =ones(2) u =rand(2) logu =sqrt(-2*log(u[1])) x[1] = logu *cos(2*pi*u[2]) x[2] = logu *sin(2*pi*u[2])return(x)end## exampleboxmuller()
Accept-Reject Method
The Julia code is as follows:
functionAccRej(f::Function, M)## use normal distribution N(0, 1) as sampling function gwhiletrue x =randn() u =rand() cutpoint =f(x)/(M*g(x))if u <= cutpointreturn([x,f(x)])endendend## density function of N(0, 1)functiong(x)return(exp(-0.5*x^2)/sqrt(2*pi))end## example function and ignore the normalized constantfunctionf(x)return(exp(-x^2/2)*(sin(6*x)^2+3*cos(x)^2*sin(4*x)^2+1))end## exampleN =500;data =ones(N,2);for i =1:500 data[i,:] =AccRej(f,sqrt(2*pi)*5)end
Envelope Accept-Reject
It is easy to write the Julia code:
functionEnvAccRej(f::function, M, gl::function)whiletrue x =randn() # still assume gm is N(0,1) u =rand() cutpoint1 =gl(x)/(M*g(x)) cutpoint2 =f(x)/(M*g(x))if u <= cutpoint1return(x)elseif u <= cutpoint2return(x)endendend
Atkinson's Poisson Simulation
It is necessary to note that the parameters in the algorithm are not same with those in the density function. In other words, the corresponding density function of the algorithm should be
The following Julia code can generate the poisson random variable with respect to λ.
functionAtkinsonPois(lambda)# parameters beta =pi/sqrt(3*lambda) alpha = lambda*beta c =0.767-3.36/lambda k =log(c) - lambda -log(beta)# step 1: propose new x u1 =rand()whiletrueglobal x x = (alpha -log((1-u1)/u1))/beta x >-0.5&&breakendwhiletrue# step 2: transform to N N =floor(Int, x) u2 =rand()# step 3: accept or not lhs = alpha - beta*x +log(u2/(1+exp(alpha-beta*x))^2) rhs = k + N*log(lambda) -log(factorial(lambda))if lhs <= rhsreturn(N)endendend## exampleN =100;res =ones(Int, N);for i =1:N res[i] =AtkinsonPois(10)end# ans: 8 9 13 10 12 .......
As mentioned in the above exercise, another poisson generation method can be derived from the following exercise.
We can write the following Julia code to implement this generation procedure.
functionSimplePois(lambda) s =0 k =0whiletrue u =rand() x =-log(u)/lambda s = s + xif s >1return(k)end k = k +1endend## example for simple poissonres2 =ones(Int, N);for i =1:N res2[i] =SimplePois(10)end# ans: 5 7 16 7 10 .......
ARS Algorithm
ARS is based on the construction of an envelope and the derivation of a corresponding Accept-Reject algorithm. It provides a sequential evaluation of lower and upper envelopes of the density f when h=logf is concave.
Let Sn be a set of points xi,i=0,1,…,n+1, in the support of f such that h(xi)=logf(xi) is known up to the same constant. Given the concavity of h, the line Li,i+1 through (xi,h(xi)) and (xi+1,h(xi+1)) is below the graph of h in [xi,xi+1] and is above this graph outside this interval.
Then use the inverse of G+(y) to sample random variable whose density function is g+(x). So we can use the following Julia program to sample from g+(x).
# example 3.22 in Davison(2008)r =2; m =10; mu =0; sig2 =1;# range of yyl =-2; yu =2;# function of hfunctionh(y)return(r * y - m *log(1+exp(y)) - (y - mu)^2/ (2* sig2))endfunctionh(y::Array)return(r * y - m *log.(1.+exp.(y)) .- (y .- mu) .^2./ (2* sig2))end# derivative of hfunctiondh(y)return(r - m *exp(y) / (1+exp(y)) - (y - mu) / sig2)endfunctiondh(y::Array)return(r .- m *exp.(y) ./ (1.+exp.(y)) .- (y .- mu)./sig2)end# intersection pointfunctionzfix(yfixed::Array) yf0 = yfixed[1:end-1] yf1 = yfixed[2:end] zfixed = yf0 .+ (h(yf0) .-h(yf1) .+ (yf1 .- yf0) .*dh(yf1)) ./ (dh(yf1) .-dh(yf0))return(zfixed)end# evaluate log-density (not necessary)functionhplus(y::Float64, yfixed::Array) zfixed =zfix(yfixed) n =size(zfixed,1)for i =1:nif i ==1&& y < zfixed[i]return(h(yfixed[i]) + (y - yfixed[i]) *dh(yfixed[i]))elseif i < n && y >= zfixed[i] && y < zfixed[i+1]return(h(yfixed[i+1]) + (y - yfixed[i+1]) *dh(yfixed[i+1]))elseif i == n && y >= zfixed[n]return(h(yfixed[i]) + (y - yfixed[i]) *dh(yfixed[i]))endendend# calculate G_+(z_i)functiongplus_cdf(yfixed::Array, zfixed::Array) n =size(zfixed,1) s =zeros(n+1) pr =zeros(n+1)for i =1:(n+1)## integral from -infty to ziif i ==1# s[i] = exp(h(yfixed[i])) / dh(yfixed[i]) * (exp((zfixed[i]-yfixed[i]) * dh(yfixed[i])) - ) s[i] =exp(h(yfixed[i])) /dh(yfixed[i]) * (exp((zfixed[i]-yfixed[i]) *dh(yfixed[i])) -exp((yl-yfixed[i]) *dh(yfixed[i])))elseif i == n+1 s[i] =exp(h(yfixed[i])) /dh(yfixed[i]) * (exp((yu-yfixed[i]) *dh(yfixed[i])) -exp((zfixed[n]-yfixed[i]) *dh(yfixed[i])))else s[i] =exp(h(yfixed[i])) /dh(yfixed[i]) * (exp((zfixed[i]-yfixed[i]) *dh(yfixed[i])) -exp((zfixed[i]-yfixed[i]) *dh(yfixed[i])))endend pr = s /sum(s)returncumsum(pr),sum(s)end# sample from gplus densityfunctiongplus_sample(yfixed) zfixed =zfix(yfixed) gp =gplus_cdf(yfixed, zfixed) zpr = gp[1] norm_const = gp[2] n =size(zfixed,1) u =rand()# Invert the gplus pdffor i =1:nif i ==1&& u < zpr[i] ey = u *dh(yfixed[i]) * norm_const /exp(h(yfixed[i])) +exp((yl-yfixed[i])*dh(yfixed[i]))return(yfixed[i] +log(ey)/dh(yfixed[i])) elseif i == n && u >= zpr[i] ey = (u - zpr[i]) *dh(yfixed[i+1]) * norm_const /exp(h(yfixed[i+1])) +exp((zfixed[i]-yfixed[i+1])*dh(yfixed[i+1]))return(yfixed[i+1] +log(ey)/dh(yfixed[i+1]))elseif i < n && u >= zpr[i] && u < zpr[i+1] ey = (u - zpr[i]) *dh(yfixed[i+1]) * norm_const /exp(h(yfixed[i+1])) +exp((zfixed[i]-yfixed[i+1])*dh(yfixed[i+1]))return(yfixed[i+1] +log(ey)/dh(yfixed[i+1]))endendend
Back to the main sampling algorithm, we can implement the procedure as follows:
## adaptive rejection samplingfunctionars(yfixed::Array) x =gplus_sample(yfixed) u =rand()if u <=exp(h(x)-hplus(x, yfixed))return(x)elsereturn(ars(append!(yfixed, x)))endend## exampleN =100res =ones(N);for i =1:N res[i] =ars([-1.8,-1.1,-0.5,-0.2])end
Based on the ARS algorithm, we can also get the Supplemental ARS algorithm:
Exponential Random Variable
The inverse transform sampling from a uniform distribution can be easily used to sample an exponential random variable. The CDF is
whose inverse function is
Thus, we can sample U∼U(0,1), and then perform the transfomation
Today, I came across another method from Xi'an's blog, which points to the question on StackExchange.
Still confused about the details, as commented in the code.
The theoretical part is as follows,
I rewrite the provided C code in Julia, and compare the distribution with samples from inverse CDF and the package Distributions
a = [exp_rand() for i=1:1000]b = [-log(rand()) for i=1:1000]c =rand(Exponential(1),1000)histogram(a, bins=40, label ="sexp")histogram!(b, bins=40, alpha=0.5, label ="invF")histogram!(c, bins=40, alpha=0.5, label ="rand")