General Chain-Structured Models
There is an important probability distribution used in applications (Liu, 2008):
π ( x ) ∝ exp { − ∑ i = 1 d h i ( x i − 1 , x i ) } ≡ exp ( − H ( x ) ) \pi(\mathbf x) \propto \exp\Big\{-\sum_{i=1}^dh_i(x_{i-1},x_i)\Big\} \equiv \exp(-H(\mathbf x)) π ( x ) ∝ exp { − i = 1 ∑ d h i ( x i − 1 , x i ) } ≡ exp ( − H ( x )) where x = ( x 0 , x 1 , … , x d ) \mathbf x = (x_0,x_1,\ldots,x_d) x = ( x 0 , x 1 , … , x d ) . This type of model exhibits a so-called "Markovian structure" because
π ( x i ∣ x [ − i ] ) ∝ exp { − h ( x i − 1 , x i ) − h ( x i , x i + 1 ) } . \pi(x_i\mid \mathbf x_{[-i]}) \propto \exp\{-h(x_{i-1},x_i)-h(x_i,x_{i+1})\}\,. π ( x i ∣ x [ − i ] ) ∝ exp { − h ( x i − 1 , x i ) − h ( x i , x i + 1 )} . We can simulate from π ( x ) \pi(\mathbf x) π ( x ) by an exact method. Note that
Z ≡ ∑ x exp { − H ( x ) } = ∑ x d [ ⋯ [ ∑ x 1 { ∑ x 0 e − h ( x 0 , x 1 ) } e − h 2 ( x 1 , x 2 ) ] ⋯ ] . Z\equiv \sum_{\mathbf x}\exp\{-H(\mathbf x)\} = \sum_{x_d}\Big[\cdots\Big[ \sum_{x_1}\Big\{\sum_{x_0}e^{-h(x_0,x_1)}\Big\}e^{-h_2(x_1,x_2)} \Big] \cdots\Big]\,. Z ≡ x ∑ exp { − H ( x )} = x d ∑ [ ⋯ [ x 1 ∑ { x 0 ∑ e − h ( x 0 , x 1 ) } e − h 2 ( x 1 , x 2 ) ] ⋯ ] . The simulating procedure is as follows:
Exact Method for Ising Model
For a one-dimensional Ising Model,
Copy function exactMethod (M = 2000 ; beta = 10 , d = 100 )
V = ones (d)
V[ 1 ] = exp (beta) + exp ( - beta)
for t = 2 : d
V[t] = V[ 1 ] * V[t - 1 ]
Z = 2 * V[d]
x = ones (Int , d)
x[d] = 2 * rand ( Bernoulli ( 1 / 2 )) - 1
for t = (d - 1 ) : 1
# p1 = V[t] * exp(x[d] * 1)
# p2 = V[t] * exp(x[d] * (-1))
p1 = exp (x[d])
p2 = exp ( - x[d])
x[t] = 2 * rand ( Bernoulli (p1 / (p1 + p2))) - 1
return x
Parallel Tempering for Ising Model
Liu (2008) also introduced the parallel tempering strategy:
I wrote the following Julia program to implement this procedure and reproduce the simulation example of Liu (2008):
Copy function parallelTemper (M = 2000 , T = [ 0.1 , 0.2 , 0.3 , 0.4 ] ; d = 100 , alpha0 = T[ 1 ])
I = length (T)
# initial
x = 2 * rand ( Bernoulli ( 1 / 2 ) , d , I) .- 1
num1 = zeros ( 3 )
num2 = zeros ( 3 )
res = zeros (M , 4 )
for m = 1 : M
if rand () < alpha0 # parallel step
#for i = 1:I
# !!! Doesn't work !!!
# y1 = x[:,i]
# sampleX!(x[:,i], T[i])
# y2 = x[:,i]
# println(sum(abs.(y2.-y1)))
sampleX! (x , T)
# idx = sample(1:I, 2, replace = false) # not neigbor
idx1 = sample ( 1 : (I - 1 ))
num1[idx1] += 1
idx = [idx1 , idx1 + 1 ]
# rho = pdfIsing(x[:,idx[2]], T[idx[1]]) * pdfIsing(x[:,idx[1]], T[idx[2]]) / (pdfIsing(x[:,idx[1]], T[idx[1]]) * pdfIsing(x[:,idx[2]], T[idx[2]]))
rho = logpdfIsing (x[: , idx[ 2 ]] , T[idx[ 1 ]]) + logpdfIsing (x[: , idx[ 1 ]] , T[idx[ 2 ]]) - ( logpdfIsing (x[: , idx[ 1 ]] , T[idx[ 1 ]]) + logpdfIsing (x[: , idx[ 2 ]] , T[idx[ 2 ]]))
if log ( rand ()) < rho
# swappin step
num2[idx1] += 1
tmp = copy (x[: , idx[ 1 ]])
x[: , idx[ 1 ]] . = x[: , idx[ 2 ]]
x[: , idx[ 2 ]] . = tmp
res[m , :] = sum (x , dims = 1 )
return res , num2 ./ num1
It is important to note that we should use logpdf
to avoid too big values, in which the rejection part doesn't work well. Refer to Ising-model.jl for complete source code.
Finally, I reproduce the Figure 10.1 as follows:
and the corresponding autocorrelation plots:
Liu, J. S. (2008). Monte Carlo strategies in scientific computing. Springer Science & Business Media.